Etsy Shop Open!

I have officially opened my Etsy shop! It has been HARD work, and I don't even have all the products on the page that I have planned on putting up, but it's in progress.

Somethings I have done in order to begin a shop have been.

1. Pick a name

First I jotted down a ton of things that I like or that stuck out to me, and then through the process of elimination I chose one. West Coast Southern. I love the West Coast of Florida, of South Africa, and of the United States. I love watching the sunset over the water. I love the South of America and Africa. Weird right, but that is what stuck out to me.

2. Start a Blog

I started this blog in order to see if I could be consistent first of all, and second, if I enjoyed it. It does have a part to play with marketing, but I did enjoy it, and still do.

3. Pick out products

This is the hard part for me. There is SO much that you can do. My theory is do something and do it well. If it's too much to do well, cut back. I can manage about three things; so that's what I'm going to do.

4. Get an Investor or better yet a Supporter

My mom has been such a support! She has pushed me to do this and has even financially supported my new venture. But having someone invest in pushing me was the best part. And then on top of that to sacrifice financially to push me to start something I've wanted to do has been unbelievable. I didn't ask for it, but I would want it and look for it if I didn't.

Also, my sister has decided to make some items for my shop. It is becoming a fun sisterly event trying to figure out things on Pinterest that we like and don't like and melding the two together. Really enjoying her company, learning from her, and being pushed by her to give it some more.

5. Stick to It

This is the part I'm at now. Where I've put myself out there, I've marketed, I've sweated, I've worked, and now to see if anyone is going to bite. Either way, I'm going to stick with it and see what I can do.

But that's where I am. I will let you know how it goes when there is something to update y'all with!



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