3 Things I Wish I Knew When Choosing a Wedding Ring

When my husband (fiancé at the time) and I walked into the jewelry store to find wedding bands, I had no idea what to look for. My parents had simple gold wedding bands, but I didn't like gold and a silver one would be too much like my purity ring I had been wearing for 6 years or so. I wish I had some direction on what to choose. So I am not talking about engagement rings here that is a job for the fiancé to choose, but this is for the wedding band. Looking back I may have chose a simpler band, and maybe one day I will "upgrade", but I'm too sympathetically attached to my band to ever get rid of it. But here is for the girl (or guy) out there who is picking the ring for the rest of your life.

3. Find a good deal
I'm not saying go low quality or don't get what you want, but find something that is a good quality that you love at a good price. Jewelry shops are way over priced. If our engagement was longer than 3 weeks, I would have looked around more, but more on that another time. Etsy has tons of great options and don't be too prideful to not go to BJs, Sam's Club, Costco, Ebay, etc. You can get some very nice rings at an affordable price.

2. Make it practical for your life
If you are going to be sitting by the pool the rest of your life, please ignore this. After three years of marriage, work, being a musician, and now a mother, my ring can drive me crazy getting every baby blanket snagged, getting in the way of playing instruments, etc. If you want to and you can afford it buy a nice wedding ring and at the same time buy a cheap simple one too so both are special to you. Or buy a titanium or tungsten one that works all the time. Also, on a special anniversary you and your spouse can talk about upgrading or getting something fancy and special. ;)

1. Be Thankful
What ever you get the human nature is to be ungrateful for what you have eventually. Be thankful for your ring, be thankful for your spouse, and for the journey to bring you two together. Be thankful you can have a ring (no matter the size, quality or make), and learn to love it for who it binds you to in marriage. Like the ring, we can become used to our spouse, fall out of love, wish for something shinier, but don't give up. Choose the right one the first time, be sure it is the one, stick to it even if you don't "feel like it", and you will fall in love again.


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